Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let's not forget about US (U.S.) >>>SQUIRREL in AFRICA>>>

Warmth fades in - that's the first thing you remember.
Dreamt recollections of this smiling reconciliation.
From afar, you'd look silly, nocturnally emitting such diplomatic spooge…
But lucid – uncaring – echoing sacral giggles.
A mess. This mess. Your mess. Our mess.
Chickens to be choked, procrastinatedly so…


Celebrate the martyrs of this digital revolution, and humble the confused sheep, fed this openness lie of Media Freedom.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Blog'sHit Person #1: The 111th US Senate

Progression of Man, not my own work

There is no sarcasm here. Absolutely none… just because saying the blog title quickly sounds like Reid Shit List, doesn't mean you can take these posts any less seriously. I'da preferred Reid's Shit List, but the double-s in the URL is just sloppy, and I'm sure it's already taken (it's not). So I'll try to keep the sarcasm to a minimum here at Reid's Hit List.

Who to honor on this inaugural list? Why, Senator Liebermann, of course! … and the rest of his cronies:

111th US Congressional Assemblage, Obama Inauguration (hail to the crook)

While you continue to distract Americans with your stupid banter of Don't Ask Don't Tell changes, you *effectively* distract an entire nation's well-being (bravo)! So, why are newspapers so surprised today, reporting about the CONTEMPT American Sheep harbor toward their oppressive government? Particularly in recent light of your attempts to mute WikiLeaks, a leaderless organization [does it matter to you that the accusers of Assange consented to sex, concocted a story DAYS LATER (including text message records, avail. to defense)]. It frustrates me, most, that were some martyr fighting the Great Fire Wall of China, Liebermann would phrase this as "a step in the right direction for openness in a world of oppressive government policy."

Clouds loom over America's western front, Hawai'i

Let's not forget the piece of shit Adrian Lamo, who turned in the brave soldier at the center of this whole thing. Let's take a very special second or two to honor a TRUE HERO against this War of Terrorism: Private Brad Manning, Specialist. O'Brother, my brother, I salute upon thee...

A true patriot, acting simply because he new the lies his leaders fed him were complete and utter garbage. I will conjure your release, hero, as praying for things seems silly.

"#9: Was it once not considered patriotic to stand up to our government when it's wrong?" --Dr. Ron Paul, Texan House Member

In my opinion, elected officials are total garbage. They are the epitome of what is WRONG with America! Meg Whitman just spent FIFTY DOLLARS PER VOTE here in California, only to LOSE the election bid to an underfunded, albeit still expensive candidate (JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!). You can't even buy in to the New World Order anymore, but candidates sure can drive up the bills and lay on the slander!

I made this blog because I am pissed, just like every American ought to be*. I will leave you with three thought games for your commute tomorrow (tune in NPR):

1) As you're listening to politicians speak about their benefits to the constituency, go ahead and replace all instances of the 'citizenry' rhetoric, with this: 'The Top 2%'. Laughs abound, because such a simple substitution RENDERS ALL LIES WITH A TRUTHINESS UNPARALLELED among the politicon.

2)The California Budget (deficit):

Yes, the ONLY state in the country that does not promote racial discrimination (yay for upholding the strikedown on affirmative action in this beautiful land!) is in a shitstorm as far as money is concerned. Yet, we continue to offer ridiculous government pensions that are raped particularly disgracefully by those in charge: police officers in California are compensated at TWICE THE AVERAGE INCOME RATE! People are pulling benefits from two government jobs simultaneously, while others literally die fighting big pharma in their daily life struggle. The soma is hot, and ready for distribution!

3) I part with a birthday poem to whom I would consider a dear acquaintance, familially tied beyond even myself, to the causes of this evil:

Another birthday. Another good, solid turd laid down upon this pile of pliable feces.

At first, the smell is overwhelming; then, you learn to accept the plip plip plops, for this covers the remnant of taco-dinners decaying amongst vitreal spew.

"mmm, CAKE!" she screams, shoving the vital poop-creating-giblets esophageal. "Faster, I just can't eat Panda fast enough."

Wake up sweaty; it's not over, yet; can't sleep, turds will eat me. The turds ALWAYS escape, in the end.

(happy birthday)

Well, I have to go catch my flight. Wish me luck, comrade!

Don't forget to look at the bottom of each posting for theme-appropriate tunes! Keep on rockin', you horribly-out-of-tune-with-the-demands-of-your-people government!

May we never forget this…

* We're all so pissed, yet never fault ourselves. I AM part of the reason America is a shithole. I raise awareness because it makes me contemplate my own purpose in the fuckstorm; how better can I help this movement than to loudly exclaim to any listener: the government doesn't give a FUCK about you beyond balancing its greedy expenditures (well, it doesn't exactly do this... have you read the history of the failed Reichmark, Federal Reserve? you can't just keep printing money!). Get over it. Model your life around a system that promotes homerule, respects the sanctity of others (I would question this ended a LONG time ago, but recent Transportation Security Administration rulings make a bold proclamation of disrespectful 'necessity')